Friday, March 27, 2009


All the lights..

All the colours..
feels someone's heart..
make 'em dizzy..
make 'em crazy..
make 'em stuck in a dillema..

is it curious ?
it's like an illuminating lights..
full of colours...
twinkling and sparkling in your hearts..
tickles you whenever you see their smile...
wherever they are...

illuminating lights...
makes people want to stop and watch..
hypnotize everybody with that sparkling colours..
see your lover as an illuminating lights..
sometimes they went bright..
sometimes they went so dark..
but they always makes u stick with them..
with the beauty..
with the sparkle..
that brings u into a great depth of illumination..

I like illuminating lights..
it makes me feels good and relax..
that's so beautifull~~
and i like the way i pronounce that word...


Anonymous said...

ciee... lagi jatuh cinta nih ye... wkwkwk said...

ha ?/
g gk jatuh cinta..
cm pgn tulis ajee..
seth den..
u pny blog si bner..confession abiss..
mo saingan u sama si allen ?

Anonymous said...

swt. saingan apaan. gw gk ada maksud saingan.
toh dia temen gw. swt.

lagian kalau diadu mah gw jelas kalah. hahaha

Anonymous said...

jangan rendah diri den.. ntr cewe yg u suka marah lowh kl u rendah diri.. bisa diocehin abis2an.. believe me..

Anonymous said...

cie sesama ge fall in loph =p
cocoknya co cweet

Allen said...

bukan gt cent.. tp bagi2 advice.. wkwkwkwkwk said...

nyindir gw len ?
ni blog g tp g malah kalah suara..

Allen said...

u ngerasa leen???
g c gk sebut nama y leen..
katanya mnta comment, haha..

Anonymous said...

dah lha... banyakin comment blog gw aja... :D
lagi promo, 1 comment ke blog gw = 2 comment ke fb lo orang :D

gpp lha kalah suara leen... kami kan punya hak berpendapat hahaha

Anonymous said...

ah ga penting ke fb mending 2 comment ke blog kita =p. hoho

Anonymous said...

1 comment blog = 1 comment fb + 1 comment blog... gmn? ehehehe said...

idihh..sampe mempromosikan sgtunya..
duh2.. allen sih monyong luh..
wah cent...btul tuh..gk pnting ke fb..
gk jelas..

Anonymous said...

sebenernya sih gk perlu di promosi... soalnya orang luar juga pasti pada dateng nantinya.. wkwkwk
ada triknya supaya orang luar juga bisa comment.
si vincent thu... ngidem bgt orang luar komen blog dia. wkwkwk

Allen said...

beh tiba2 malah ngtaen g monyong..
emnk bner kn leen? ad yg marah klo ad yg rendah diri??
trs knp ngtaen g?! said...

@ deni..
klo udah kek gtu itu namanya mempromosikan

apaan tuh ??idihh..
kan g sebel orang rendah diri..

Cliffen Allen said...

tuh den.. ud jujur dy den..
jgn rendah diri lgi den.. ntr ngamuk dy said...

apaan sih si allen..
emang nyebelin tw denger orang yg rendah diri..
rendah diri jgn kelewatan...

Stefani said...

hi Leen :)
it's a nice poem, like it!!! hohoho

I feel that we must not just let somebody else to be our illuminating lights for us but let ourselves be their illuminating lights as well, which means that don't just love but let ourselves be loved by the one we love, so there is a mutual love between our spouses and us.

In this case, our lights will be able to enlighten the lights of our beloved ones when theirs are in the darkest moments. And together as a couple, we can enlighten the world as there will be no darkness if the illuminating lights are blinking in turn.

In conclusion, let be loved and love and u can have an enjoyable and everlasting romantic story hohohoho

Keep it up with your poem!!!
I'm waiting for the next poem you'll make :P said...

@ stefani
Thx to your advice..
seems that u have many experience in love life..
thx a lot..

Stefani said...

@ leen
not really but may be because I watched too many dramas hahaha then I observed them lol...
my sists are also much older than me therefore they give me a lot a lot of advice for love life :) said...

so good to be true to have a dream guy like what we've thought...
i hope that will come true..


Friday, March 27, 2009

All the lights..
All the colours..
feels someone's heart..
make 'em dizzy..
make 'em crazy..
make 'em stuck in a dillema..

is it curious ?
it's like an illuminating lights..
full of colours...
twinkling and sparkling in your hearts..
tickles you whenever you see their smile...
wherever they are...

illuminating lights...
makes people want to stop and watch..
hypnotize everybody with that sparkling colours..
see your lover as an illuminating lights..
sometimes they went bright..
sometimes they went so dark..
but they always makes u stick with them..
with the beauty..
with the sparkle..
that brings u into a great depth of illumination..

I like illuminating lights..
it makes me feels good and relax..
that's so beautifull~~
and i like the way i pronounce that word...


Anonymous said...

ciee... lagi jatuh cinta nih ye... wkwkwk said...

ha ?/
g gk jatuh cinta..
cm pgn tulis ajee..
seth den..
u pny blog si bner..confession abiss..
mo saingan u sama si allen ?

Anonymous said...

swt. saingan apaan. gw gk ada maksud saingan.
toh dia temen gw. swt.

lagian kalau diadu mah gw jelas kalah. hahaha

Anonymous said...

jangan rendah diri den.. ntr cewe yg u suka marah lowh kl u rendah diri.. bisa diocehin abis2an.. believe me..

Anonymous said...

cie sesama ge fall in loph =p
cocoknya co cweet

Allen said...

bukan gt cent.. tp bagi2 advice.. wkwkwkwkwk said...

nyindir gw len ?
ni blog g tp g malah kalah suara..

Allen said...

u ngerasa leen???
g c gk sebut nama y leen..
katanya mnta comment, haha..

Anonymous said...

dah lha... banyakin comment blog gw aja... :D
lagi promo, 1 comment ke blog gw = 2 comment ke fb lo orang :D

gpp lha kalah suara leen... kami kan punya hak berpendapat hahaha

Anonymous said...

ah ga penting ke fb mending 2 comment ke blog kita =p. hoho

Anonymous said...

1 comment blog = 1 comment fb + 1 comment blog... gmn? ehehehe said...

idihh..sampe mempromosikan sgtunya..
duh2.. allen sih monyong luh..
wah cent...btul tuh..gk pnting ke fb..
gk jelas..

Anonymous said...

sebenernya sih gk perlu di promosi... soalnya orang luar juga pasti pada dateng nantinya.. wkwkwk
ada triknya supaya orang luar juga bisa comment.
si vincent thu... ngidem bgt orang luar komen blog dia. wkwkwk

Allen said...

beh tiba2 malah ngtaen g monyong..
emnk bner kn leen? ad yg marah klo ad yg rendah diri??
trs knp ngtaen g?! said...

@ deni..
klo udah kek gtu itu namanya mempromosikan

apaan tuh ??idihh..
kan g sebel orang rendah diri..

Cliffen Allen said...

tuh den.. ud jujur dy den..
jgn rendah diri lgi den.. ntr ngamuk dy said...

apaan sih si allen..
emang nyebelin tw denger orang yg rendah diri..
rendah diri jgn kelewatan...

Stefani said...

hi Leen :)
it's a nice poem, like it!!! hohoho

I feel that we must not just let somebody else to be our illuminating lights for us but let ourselves be their illuminating lights as well, which means that don't just love but let ourselves be loved by the one we love, so there is a mutual love between our spouses and us.

In this case, our lights will be able to enlighten the lights of our beloved ones when theirs are in the darkest moments. And together as a couple, we can enlighten the world as there will be no darkness if the illuminating lights are blinking in turn.

In conclusion, let be loved and love and u can have an enjoyable and everlasting romantic story hohohoho

Keep it up with your poem!!!
I'm waiting for the next poem you'll make :P said...

@ stefani
Thx to your advice..
seems that u have many experience in love life..
thx a lot..

Stefani said...

@ leen
not really but may be because I watched too many dramas hahaha then I observed them lol...
my sists are also much older than me therefore they give me a lot a lot of advice for love life :) said...

so good to be true to have a dream guy like what we've thought...
i hope that will come true..

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